hey hey hey, laamaa banget gue ga post! SIBUK KULIAH!
awal semester yang MEMUAKAN buat gue! FREAK aabiss. semua mata kuliahnya ga ada yang gue suka. FISIKA, BIOLOGI, ANATOMI FISOLOGI!!! aaggghhhh otak gue ga nyambung!!!!
hmm, enough lah ama cerita kuliah gue itu. gue berusaha aja buat ngejalanin selama gue ga gila, let it flow ajaa!! ;DDDDDDDDDD

new gebetan : KAGAK ADEEE!! ga ada yang cring cring dah di kampus gue! hmm, gue tetep penasaran ama guru taekondow yang waktu itu minta Pocari Sweat! whaaaa, orang korea, ganteng, dadanya booww aaawwwww!! hihihi. tapi , akhir-akhir ini gue jarang liat tu bule. soalnya, sabtu gue kuliah. aahh sebel!! THAT's CREAPY beb!

sekarang CARI GEBETAN BARU! hahahaaa :D

my new life!!!

it's my new life!! gue bakal setiap hari berurusan sama Saint!! sebetulnya lucu juga kalo di inget2. waktu kelas 1 gue ama sisil kalo ga cabut ya tidur pas semua pelajaran saint, pas ulangannya ngobrol. kertas jawaban kosong! sumpah deh! pas bagi rapot semstr1 aja gue ama sisil di brondong makian dari wali kelas!ckck. alhasil kami pun masuk ips! gue yang milih jalan itu sendiri. BUT, ajegile!! entah setan apa yang ngerasukin kita bedua buat daftar jadi perawat!! ga percaya? ada noh fotonya gue ikut ospek! yaaa, kalo sisil si di 'suruh' sama ortu dia kalo gue?!!! gue ngerasa, gue suka sakit aja makanya mau jadi perawat (asli ga nyambung banget alesannya). auu dah! tapi, kalo ada yang tanya gue kadang bingung juga mau jawab apa! nanti kalo bilang "ingin membantu masyarakat" disangkain sok lah apa lah! watever deh! terserah orang mau pandang apa. my life my adventure!! gue inget pas jurit males pas ospek. ada senior gue tanya "Kamu siap sama resiko kalo kamu jadi perawat?" dengan pedeny ague jawab : "ya ini kan keputusan yang udah saya ambil sendiri ka berarti saya harus tanggung sendiri". owowow setan apa lagi yang masuk ke dalem jiwa gue? haha. jujurlah itu dari dalem hati gue! tsaaahh

gue siap menjalani kehidupan baru gue ini! pasti banyak cobaan! but, Jesus always bless me!!!



I feel old bury you in the chest. I can no longer say the word, I am truly stunned and silent in case one day you'll be mine I do not loose yourself and if time allows me to wait for yourself. I have fallen in love at first sight, difficult for me to be able to stop the soul!
I can not guess, I can not read about you! you make me always ask me in the heart. About you! What if I love you eventually, you from the lack of more up to you. Perhaps this is a beautiful! So many stars, such as question me, about you!
He smiled at me, sweet! How happy I am when I am close to you! How happy I am, my darling only for you!
Like rain drops in the dry season, give the old coolness never came. Removing thirst true love. How perfect your eyes I am careful. I never feel in peace with you, nothing can change that might place!
You so perfect, I am the eyes, you are so beautiful! you will always make myself revere you! In every activity I, I just always think yourself! I can not not see you one day only. I only see you certainly can! He always like what I am looking I want! Oh he is like Prince in the tale of children! Exercise this tersa blossomed as if I make love drift involved. Is there a meaning behind the gaze embarrassed ashamed akan a smile. So beautiful! Without a word I heart you steal, very different time with him. I fall in love!

I really have loved you and I never regret it. My whole life has been submitted! I know you're never wrong. Because I was never honest about my feelings of this! I am not sad to see you with the woman. Hopefully you happy!

Haha, sad stories and happy tuh! Many of the lessons I dapet trouble like with him! not long I know that he playboy! Wakakakak, elementary!

Holiday DAY 1

Holiday DAY 1.

Hm, seems to 1 day off with this is I can make a little fresh. Build 9 hours ago morning bath and drink a cup of hot tea made by Le and nikmatnya Pisang Goreng. Hahahaha. Morning that I quite perfect because I usually wake up with the bathroom in a hurry and had no breakfast because of race with time to school and jammed roads in Jakarta. Due to this practice in the English retreat so per day so my class, XII IPS 1 there is no schedule!
After a morning that is quite perfect, I just relax while watching the DVD. 3 tapes I watch this day, Bride WARS, MADAGASCAR and of course the last episode Meteor GARDEN 2 which I always watch. Hm, how many times I have been watching me? Ahh, I already forgot! Hahaha. I'm collecting money to buy the dvd Boys Before Flowers, and Princess Hours. I really want to watch Korean drama's! So can not wait! Huaaaa,,, I am very nostalgic with the Prince Shin!
From morning until after lunch so only. in the afternoon I beset with complex Valentino with me in my motorhome! When the field close to our house, we find the money! Thousand only bearable, but I make to buy Peppermint my brother! Haaha, strange to me when the fish pond not far from there. I find the money again, but unfortunately thousand more have been torn! So I do not take. Haha, very funny coincidence to find the money within the near future!
Hmm,, I go to school tomorrow because akan practice drama with Dessy, Ephy, Indri, Dina and Dika!


today there are two news from me. good and bad! first of which ya? it is a good first. this day I can watch my impression that the wait Sudirman Cup! I especially like the one before that the match between Semifinal opponent South Korea versus Indonesia but unfortunately failed to reach the Final ticket. probably because of the many injuries, such as Indonesia, which Ka Kido and Maria!
Bad news .. NOT IN MY TO ALLOW DUFAN ! me very sad, because this has been planned by me and my friends. but my mother, she is too hard! I was not allowed, even though I use my own money. when he has the promise to allow me. I wonder and confusion. why I always have to give from the people! I rebelled when my mother forbade me to go but the results justu I punished!
my life is too hard!! times when high school ended, but I immediately why I can not have fun!
I was a sad girl

BARRACK OBAMA !! my DAD .. hahahahahah

Barack Obama became America's first black president Tuesday in a singular moment of history and proclaimed the nation had chosen "hope over fear" in the face of economic gloom and foreign wars.
tapi, jgn terlalu berlebihan nanggepin Obama jadi presiden! jgn ngrepin dya bakalan "kasih lebih" ke Negri kita ini . dia sekolah di Indonesia juga cuman satu tahun kurang, inget apa coba ? bahkan katanya dia dulu jadi anak yang suka di caking ! pasti yg ada di otaknya dia dari dulu udah jelek2 aja ttg kenangan sekolah di Indonesia ! JANGAN TERLALU BERHARAPLAH !!
dia pasti mau nyelesein masalah Negaranya sendiri yang lagi kacau balau itu,ngapain juga dia repot-repot ngurusin negara lain ! pasti yg di dauhuluin negaranya sendiri !
banyak orang sok SKSD ma obama, yg ngaku duku temen deket lah,apa lah ! NORAK bgd menurut gue.. pake manggil Obama jadi Barry ! anjing sok imut bgt ! hahah.
trus waktu itu ada acara judulnya "Anak Menteng Mengubah Amerika" apa ga terlalu berlebihaan ya?! inget lo dya cuman setahun di Indonesia, seandainya SBY sekolah di New York apakah media di sana bakalan bilang "Anak New York Mengubah Indonesia" GA KAN??!!
nah itu dia...seharunya jgn terlalu terpaku dengan Obama yg pernah sekolah di Indonesia!!
CINTAI NEGARA SENDIRI dongg..(kayak gua iya aja?) aahah

[ gua kali ini terlalu gimana gitu..sekali-sekali ngomentarin hal serius boleh kan]


c u soon !
